A Primer to CSS Selectors
CSS Selectors CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is used to style HTML elements. Element styling typically involves: Selecting the element…
Written by Harshita Kanal , student of tech, passionate about tech communities and building the web My Github
CSS Selectors CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is used to style HTML elements. Element styling typically involves: Selecting the element…
In this problem, given a linked list move the first element of the linked list to the end of the linked list. What are linked lists ? Linked…
What are chrome extensions? Chrome extensions can be considered as small programs which add functionality to your chrome browser. They can…
Hey y’all, this is my awesome new blog! I would be posting articles on my learnings and tech above all :-)
Pseudo Classes Before getting started with pseudo classes, let us first understand what the word pseudo means, a simple google search gives…